Beginning of oenology in Europe.
Pre-phylloxera grapes

¿We have an idea for innovation?
Yes, the students of the company presented our idea, an idea associated with wine tourism that can complement a visit to the winery, broadening knowledge of the wine sector, agriculture and vineyards.
Drones currently have different functions that are fundamental within society, from commercial proposals to rescuing people. Nowadays, the use of these aircraft has expanded and we can use this technology for other functions such as scientific research or entertainment.
Let's keep in mind that buying a drone is much cheaper than buying a helicopter and the operating costs are much lower. They are operated by remote control or through apps for smartphones or tablets. Currently there are different apps developed for piloting a drone, taking photos and filming and they are easy to use for many people. The companies involved in the development of this product aim to make it increasingly intuitive and easy to use for all audiences.